Watchman Willie Martin Archive

A Carnegie Institution Genealogy; Roosevelt�s Jewish� Ancestry: A reprint from the October 18, 1936, Issue of �The Revelator,� of Wichita, Kansas, Rev. G.B. Winrod, Editor.

The chart shown below has come as a socking revelation to millions of American citizens. It explains things in connection with Roosevel�s Administration which can not otherwise be understood.

Famous Sons of Famous Fathers:

The Roosevelts

�������������������������� The Roosevelt Lineage

Claes Martenszen van Rosenvelt

������� ��������Wife

Jannetje Samuels or Hamel or Thomas

Nicholas R.

�������������� Wife (1682)

Heyltje Jans Kunsy

Johannes R.

��������������� Wife (1708)

Heyltje Syvert or Hilote Syverts

Jacobus R.

��������������� Wife (1746)

Annetja Bogart

Jacobus R. I

��������������� Wife (1793)

Maria van Schaack

Carnelius van Schaack R.

���������������� Wife

Margarey Barnhill

Theodore R.

����������������� Wife

Martha Bulloch

Elliott R.

����������������� Wife

Ann Rebecca Hall

Franklin D. Roosevelt


� �����������������Wife (1719)

Catherine Hadenroock

Isaac Roosevelt

����������������� Wife (1752)

Cornelia Hoffman

James Roosevelt

���������������� Wife (1786)

Maria Walton

Isaac Roosevelt

��������������� Wife

Mary E. Aspinwall

James Roosevelt

���� ������������Wife

Sarah Delano

(Genealogical chart prepared in the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., under direction of Dr. H.H. Laughlin, per Asso. Press dispatch March 7, 1934. In the Daily Citizen of Tucson, Arizona a similar chart was published by the Washington, D.C., Star, of February 29, 1934)

Even a hasty perusal of this factual document convinces one as to the President�s Jewish ancestry. From the viewpoint of eugenics, it explains his natural bent toward radicalism.

It shows why he has given hundreds of so-called Liberals, Socialists and Communists powerful positions in the national government. It reveals the origin of the sinister spirit which today animates the White House. It proves unmistakably, that the Roosevelt Administration offers a biological, as well as a political problem.

The New York Times of March 14, 1935, quotes the President as saying: �In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jews. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently descended form Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt, who came from Holland.�

Additional information regarding the nationality of the Roosevelt family, was given by Chase S. Osborn, early in 1934, at St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. Osborn was formerly Governor of Michigan. The leading newspaper of the city (The Times) carried the following report after the interview: �Although a Republican, the former Governor has a sincere regard for President Roosevelt and his policies. He referred to the �Jewish ancestry� of the President, explaining how he is a descendant of the Rossocampo family expelled from Spain in 1620. Seeking safety in German, Holland and other countries, members of the family, he said, changed their name to Rosenberg, Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Rosenvelt and Rosenthal.

The Roosevelts in North Holland finally became Roosevelt, soon becoming apostates with the first generation and others following suit until, the fourth generation, a little storekeeper by the name of Jacobus Roosevelt was the only one who remained true to His Jewish Faith. It is because of this Jewish ancestry, former Governor Osborn said, that President Roosevelt has the trend of economic safety (?) In his veins.�

Roosevelt inevitably draws upon his Jewish ancestry. It is, therefore, as natural for him to be a radical, as it is for others to be true Americans. This is why he can boast of flouting conventionalities, and publicly gloat over destroying those traditions which are fundamental to our national character. HE IS NOT ONE OF US! This may also explain why he attaches so little importance to his word of honor, and has no hesitation in breaking his promises.

It is to be doubted if he, himself, understands the inner forces that surge through his being, driving him further and further toward the Left! It�s in his blood. Meanwhile, the result of 160 years� constructive effort on the part of Christian patriots threatens to be swept away.

For this reason, one of his first official acts after becoming President, was to invite Finklestein alias Litvinoff, to the White House for the purpose of establishing diplomatic relations with the Jewish dictatorship of Moscow. For this reason, he has appointed Jewish Ambassadors to such strategic diplomatic posts as Paris, Stockholm and Moscow. For this reason, Bernard Baruch has lately been called �the unofficial President of the United States.�

For this reason a super-cabinet, known as the �Brain Trust� an organization of appointees denominated by powerful Jewish intellects, has been set up to usurp constitutional powers of our duly elected lawmakers.

We do not condemn Roosevelt for coming from Jewish stock. We condemn him for being a leader in the international radical movement which is throwing Gentile governments, the world over, into convulsions. In like manner, the Jewish mind is incapable of assimilating the Christian and American viewpoints sufficiently, to risk placing the destiny of 120,000,000 human beings in the hands of a few members of their people. (End of Reprint)

Confirmation From Other Sources: In the 1938 �World Almanac� under the heading �Biographies of U.S. Presidents and their wives,� page 237, appears: �Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the son of James Roosevelt, a direct descendant of Ciaes Martenzen van Rosenvelt, who arrived in New Amsterdam in 1649 and married Jannetje Samuels.�

The following is from �The House of Roosevelt� by Paul Haber, 1936 edition: �Claes Rosenvelt entered the cloth business in New York, and was married in 1682. He accumulated a fortune. He then changed his name to Nicholas Roosevelt. Of his four sons, Isaac died young. Nicholas married Sarah Solomons. Jacobus married Catherina Hardenburg. The Roosevelts were not a fighting but a peace-loving people, devoted to trade. Isaac became a capitalist. He founded the Bank of New York in 1790.�

The American Freedom Magazine of Los Angeles, Calif., April, 1938, issue, reproduced the quotation below: �In and address to the National Convention of the D.A.R., President F.D. Roosevelt said that he too was of revolutionary ancestry. BUT NOT A ROOSEVELT WAS IN THE AMERICAN ARMY. They were Tories, busy entertaining British officers. The first Roosevelt came to America in 1649. His name was Claes Rosenfelt. He was Jew. Nicholas the son of Claes, was the ancestor of both Franklin and Theodore. He married a Jewish girl named Kunst in 1682. Nicholas had a son named Jacobus Rosenfelt. In the family tree there are 351 persons bearing biblical names of the tribe of Israel.� (From the Corvallis Gazette-Times, of Corvallis, Oregon).

FDR�s �Distinguished service to Jewry� New York Jews having designed and struck off a medal with the head of Roosevelt on one side and the six point Solomon Star, synagogue symbol of possession and world power, on the other, with a mystical so-called �Good Luck� idiom in the center of the star, the undersigned and his associates investigated to ascertain the significance, if any, and report the implications: �Good Luck and Wisdom to Franklin D. Roosevelt, our Modern Moses, Leading Jewry in �The Promised Land� (America) under the �Seal of Solomon.��

The following New York item was published from Coast to Coast under an Associated Press date line of May 8, 1937: �President Roosevelt will receive the tenth award of the Gottheil Medal for �Distinguished services to Jewry.�� Another such Jewish medal was given him December 22, 1938, according to the New York Herald-Tribune of December 23, 1938.

What �distinguished services� has Roosevelt rendered to Jewry?

Professor H.J. Laski, Jewish Socialist of England, was quoted in the London �Fascist� of January 1935, thus: �If the experiment for which Roosevelt is responsible, should in any serious degree break down, as a result of the association with it of a number of eminent Jews, there would be an outbreak of Anti-Semitism in the U.S. more profound than anything Anglo-Saxon Civilization has so far known.� The National Elections of 1938 show the Roosevelt experiment is breaking down; and New York City is Pogrom-Conscious!

The Delanos Jewish Also: Writing in the �Hadendreuzbanner� of May 14, 1939, Professor Dr. Johann van Leers of Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, publishes an exhaustive analysis of Roosevelt�s ancestry. While it is apparent that the authorities quoted are not convinced regarding the authenticity of the Holland Rossocampo-Roosevelt Jewish genealoty, a new discover is quoted to show that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt�s mother; Sarah Delano, is from a Jewish-blood family.

�At once the veil falls� comments Dr. von Leers: �The President�s father married Sarah Delano; and it become clear. Schmalix (genealogist) writes: �In the seventh generation we see the mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as being of Jewish descent. The Delanos are descendants of Italian or Spanish Jewish family; Dilano, Dilan, Dillano. The Jew Delano drafted an agreement with the West Indies Co., in 1657 regarding the colonization of the island of Curacao. About this the directors of the West Indies Co., had correspondence with the Governor of New Holland. �In 1624 numerous Jews had settled in North Brazil, which was under Dutch Dominion. The old German traveler Uienoff, who was in Brazil between 1640 and 1649, reports: �Among the Jewish settlers the greatest number had emigrated from Holland. The reputation of the Jews was so bad that the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant (1655) demanded that their immigration be prohibited in the newly founded colony of New Amsterdam (the New York of today). It would be interesting to investigate whether the Family Delano belonged to these Jews whom the Dutch Governor did not want. It is known that the Sephardic Jewish families which came from Span and Portugal always inter-married; and the assumption exits that the Family Delano, despite Christian-confession, remained purely Jewish so far as religion is concerned.��

Jewish mothers bear heredity: �What results? The mother of President Roosevelt was a Delano. According to Jewish Law (Schulchan Aruk, Ebenaezer IV) the woman is the bearer of the heredity. That means: children of a full-blooded Jewess and a Christian are, according to Jewish Law, Jews. It is probable that the Family Delano kept the Jewish blood clean, and that President Roosevelt, according to Jewish Law, is a blooded Jew even if one assumes that the father of the President was Aryan.

We can understand why Jewish associations call him the �New Moses;� why he gets Jewish medals; highest orders of the Jewish people. For every Jew who is acquainted with the law, he is evidently one of them. The secret surrounding President Roosevelt solves itself though the assiduous investigations of Schmalix.�

In this connection it is noteworthy that Who�s Who in American Jewry lists the New York Brentanos as Jewish; Sephardics from Italy or Spain. Delano and Brentano end with �o.� Jews expelled from Brazil settled in the U.S. Genealogist Schmalix is quoted in the article mentioned as saying: �When the Delanos changed to the Christian religion can only be ascertained by further investigations in America.�

With this alleged Jewish Delano descent added to the other records herein the fact that New York Jews on the East Side constantly refer to the President proudly as �Rosenvelt,� it would seem that Dr. von Leers, in his letter of May 14, 1939, to the undersigned, transmitting his latest discoveries, is justified in exclaiming: �It being true that the Delanos are well-known Jews from the Netherlands, President Roosevelt is, from the standpoint of Jewish Heredity Law, as good Jew as Bernard M. Baruch.� Baruch is a Sephardic Jew, whose family is reported to have come from Europe via Brazil to North America. Signed Robert Edward Edmonton.

So this explains why Roosevelt, coming from a prominent and wealthy family, moved America into the direct path toward Communism. The Jewish name�s in FDR�s family stand out; Samuels, Schaak, and Jacobus. Since Jews frequently intermarry with their relatives, Roosevelt�s wife was a distant cousin and a niece of former President Theodore Roosevelt. The Universal Jewish Dictionary of 1943 states: �Sara Delano Roosevelt, born 1855 and died 1941, was often the guest and advisor to Jewish institutions. After her death, the Roosevelt New York City home was bought by the B�nai B�rith Hillel Foundation and converted into the Sara Delano Roosevelt Interfaith House for students of Hunter College.�

FDR was extremely pro-Zionist from the very beginning of his political career and was often honored by Jews. Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Bernard Baruch and Samuel Rosenman were among the Jews who influenced his twelve years of office. Thus you can see how Jewish Communism penetrated so deeply into the American government, in spite of the warnings from early American leaders, such as Benjamin Franklin, who warned that this would happen.

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